E-commerce Web Design

Driving greater traffic has become a necessity to make online businesses grow and succeed. At Udyogmart, one of the leading Ecommerce website development company offers high-end and efficacious eCommerce plug-in, web design and module development solutions for SMEs. The growth of e commerce industry has flourished the market and its customers with the ease of shopping making the customers happy at every point of their dealings.

What We Provide:

  • Unique eCommerce designs: beautiful, clean and elegantly handcrafted online stores.
  • Embedded subliminal features to drive positive responses
  • Complete setup of robust eCommerce platform with full control of your eCommerce website Click here to check out features of our eCommerce engine.
  • Product catalogues that are search engine friendly
  • Integration with Social media – Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube
  • Setup of a blog for your new online store

Core Ecommerce Website Design & Development Services We Render:

New eCommerce website development

Re-design of existing eCommerce website

Ecommerce website maintenance services

Usability and Conversion Audits

Our Website Development Process:


Here's Highlight of What You'll Get with Your Ecommerce Website

Store Design & Appearance

– Dozens of pre-built templates *
– Custom Design of Look and Feel for your ecommerce website **
– Mobile and Tablets friendly
– Across browsers compatibility
– Dozens of widgets for added functionality
– Full control over your source code (html, css)

Order & Customer Management

– Customer and order details
– Order status tracking
– Automatic email and sms alerts
– Assign orders to users for fulfillment
– Print invoice, packing slip
– Export orders to spreadsheet

Marketing & SEO Tools

– Discount coupons
– Feature and highlight products
– Suggest products via “Related Products” or “Customers viewed this product also viewed”
– Search engine friendly product page url
– SEO page title, meta keywords and description

Product Management

– Create, Categories, Sub-categories & Brands
– Add or Import products from spreadsheet
– Easy product management
– Custom Product Attributes
– Multiple product options
– Bulk pricing updates
– Product
– Feature items

Payment Gateway Support

– CCAvenue
– Direc Pay
– Pay Zippy
– Payu Paisa
– PayPal
– Atom

E-commerce Store
9500 One Time
Standard E-commerce
18500 One Time
Adv E-commerce
40000 One Time
Multi-Vendor E Com
55000 One Time